These photos are from a recent hempcrete renovation. I travelled over to Bowen Island for the afternoon to see how this build was progressing and have a sunny cross-island bike ride. Jayeson Hendrysan of Hempcrete Natural Builders is renovating a rotted out garage and replacing the walls with hempcrete infill, as well as putting a new deck over top. The images show the hempcrete walls that have been poured, have set and have been drying out. I showed up as they were putting on the first coat of lime stucco to help seal the exterior of the hempcrete from rain and further moisture. The stucco is vapour permeable to allow the hempcrete to continue to dry out, which means the wall needs no vapour barrier. The interior of the garage is to be finished at a later date.
Hempcrete Wall with Stucco Lime Stucco Being Applied Interior Wall Lime Stucco Close Up Hempcrete Close Up Raw Hempcrete Wall Exterior